Thank you for your interest in my class.
My belly dance classes, open to all, are sponsored by the Duval County Community Education Program and offered at Ed White High School, 1700 Old Middleburg Road N. Jacksonville FL 32210. They run concurrently with the regular school year schedule.
I also teach private, semi-private, or customized classes at my private studio by appointment.
ALL the information you need concerning the ongoing Community Education classes and my private classes is posted here. There is a lot of information so I am certain you will find answers to your questions, concerns, etc. right here.
You will find answers to ALL the questions you may have concerning the current Community Ed schedule, dates, future schedule dates (when available), class descriptions, fees, times, location, registration information, class policies, and a map to the school.
** Occasionally Duval County School session dates are subject to change according to adjustments in the Community Education schedule. I will update any changes as I am made aware of them. However, just to make certain, please contact either the school office (693-7640 or 693-7620 ext. 108) or email me (julianne109@hotmail.com) prior to registration for confirmation of the current schedule.
In the FAQ section, you will find ALL the details concerning how, when, and where to register, what to wear, what to bring, age limits, classroom, and school policy.
If, after reading this entire page your question is not answered sufficiently, please email me at the address above. I will be happy to provide you with additional details.
DANCE LESSONS (group or individual)
I am available by appointment for private or semi-private instruction and customized group workshops at my studio for all levels of Middle Eastern Dance (belly dance) and Middle Eastern Dance fusion.
DRUM (DOUMBEK) LESSONS (group or individual)
I am available by appointment for private or semi-private instruction and customized group workshops at my studio for basic Doumbek / Darabuka (Middle Eastern Drum), Riq, and Zill technique and Middle Eastern / North African rhythms.
I am happy to create culturally based or authentic Oriental, Folkloric, East Indian, North African, Romany, or Middle Eastern Dance fusion custom choreography for individual or troupe performances.
Please contact me for additional information, fees, or to schedule an appointment at: julianne109@hotmail.com.
Thank you!
Pre-registration is open for all Community Education classes
Monday through Thursday 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm the week prior to the start of classes.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 to Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Time: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
The class meets once a week for one hour.
Fee is $35.00 for the full 8 week term.
If this is your first attempt at Middle Eastern Dance, I strongly recommend that you start with this class. It is designed specifically to gently introduce the new student to this ancient and beautiful dance art. This class covers basic dance posture, technique, movement transitions, combinations, styles, and rhythms. If time permits we may also cover veil, zills (finger cymbals) technique, and/or a short choreography.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 to Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Time: 7:00PM to 8:00 PM
The class meets once a week for one hour.
Fee is $35.00 for the full 8 week term.
This class moves at a faster pace than Basic I and it does require the technical structure that was covered in Basic I. It is designed to accommodate the Intermediate level student who has acquired a solid basic dance foundation and is ready for the additional challenge of learning rhythms, layering, combinations, transitions, and refining general skills.
If you have had some Middle Eastern or other dance training you will find this class fun and challenging. If you have had NO previous dance training and do not consider yourself a natural dancer or a quick learner you might find this class a bit overwhelming for your first attempt. Please give it a try if you like and feel free to switch to the Basic I level class on Thursday if this class proves to be more than you want.
The Community Education classes follow the same schedule of regular school dates and holidays.
Should inclement weather (storm, storm watches, warnings, etc.) effect our local school attendance policy please check (or phone) your local TV or radio news stations, or www.duvalschools.org for the status of Duval County Public Schools. If Duval County Public Schools are closed for regular classes that status DOES APPLY to the Community Education evening classes as well.
If classes are postponed for any reason, arrangements will be made during the term to make up the missed session before the term is complete.